to Hockey Heaven, home of the Unofficial
Ferraro Twins
Website! Should you have any comments or suggestions for the site, don't
hesitate to contact me. I'd like to make it as complete as possible. Be sure
to check out the Latest Updates page for the most current news. Please take a
few moments to sign the guestbook.
-- Kristy
Chris and Peter have returned to North American soil after spending the first
few months with SSK in the Swedish Elite League. They have signed on
with the Syracuse Crunch (AHL) for the remainder of the 2004-05 season.
Best of luck to the twins with the Crunch!
Any fans of the Crunch who will be taking pictures this season and get some of
the twins, and wouldn't mind
sharing their photos with me to put on this site, it would be greatly
appreciated! You will receive full credit for any pictures you've taken
that are provided. Just include your name, or copyright your
photos yourself and they will be added to the site. Please email me at
kristy@bruins.mv.com if you'd like
to help populate the photo section of the site with current pictures of the
twins. Thanks in advance!
The Jennifer Ferraro Foundation has a website now. It's located at the
Jennifer Ferraro Foundation website
Anyone who wishes to make a donation to the Jennifer Ferraro
Foundation can do so at the following address:
Jennifer Ferraro Foundation
P.O. Box 155
Sound Beach, NY 11789
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to Chris, Peter, Chris' &
Jennifer's families, and close friends on the death of Chris' wife in early
November 2002. Rest in peace, Jennifer. You inspired and warmed
the hearts of those who had the opportunity to meet and know you. You
are deeply missed. God bless. ***
This site is not sponsored by Peter or Chris Ferraro, the
NHL or the AHL.
It is a labor of love for me. All information (photographs, news articles)
used on this site are considered
personal property, and
copyrighted by their original owners/authors, and are used with their
when not my own
photographs or writings. All team logos are trademarked by their
respective teams.
Should you wish to use
any photograph or article found on this site, please contact me
or the original owner of the
photograph/article you
wish to use. The names and email/web site addresses of all those who
have donated photos
and articles to this
site can be found on the Credits page. If I have left you off the credits page, PLEASE
contact me
as soon as possible so
I can rectify the situation as soon as I'm able!
This site is maintained by Kristy S. Gleason